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The Root. By: Nvayo Rene'   Every day hundreds of millennials are hurt by premature love. Falling for the bittersweet words of a person who means them no good or falling for a person who genuinely loves them, but displays it in the wrong way can lead to two things: growth or self-destruction. The pain of being betrayed, neglected, and lied to can cut so deep and hurt for so long. It often seems impossible for the pain to go away, as if you’ve been summons to a sickness whose only job is to drain you and leave you walking dead. We often find ourselves trying to suppress the pain in various ways. Some of us grieve, learn from our mistakes, and move on to better. What about the ones who just don’t know how to let go and their only escape from their reality is indulging in drugs, alcohol, parties, promiscuity, settling into deep depression, jumping from lover to lover, and a host of other noxious actions in order to cope with the pain. When trying to figure out what went

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